TechnicoFlor Group
Founded in 1981 by François Patrick Sabater, TechnicoFlor is a family group that has mastered the art of creating perfume, vegetal extracts, natural raw materials and food flavors compositions.

The company has been working alongside some of the biggest name in the industry of Perfume and Cosmetic for almost 40 years. Distributing its products towards more than 70 countries in Middle East, Asia, Western and Central Europe, TechnicoFlor also proudly employs 230 collaborators and generates a turnover of almost 70 million of euros of which 30 % is from France and 70 % comes from international business.
For more than 40 years, our know-how in fragrance development and our position as leader in natural & responsible formulation have led us to the place that we occupy into our customer’s hearts today: the one of a genuine & reliable partner. In spite of all the recent merges in the industry, my wish is to remain an independent company. To me, this independence is the key to give our customers a true creative alternative.TechnicoFlor aims to develop “eco-creative” fragrances. This is what drives us every day to think of new actions to preserve the planet -our current priority for now and the generations to come.